
Duke3d Cheats

DNALLEN - Displays "Buy Major Stryker"
DNBETA - Displays "Pirates Suck"
DNCOSMO - Displays "Register Cosmo"
DNCOORDS - Displays X Y co-ordinates
DNCASHMAN - throw cash with the space key
DNCLIP - No clipping mode (walk through walls)
DNKROZ - God mode
DNHYPER - Use steroids
DNINVENTORY - Gives all inventory
DNITEMS - All items
DNKEYS - All Keys - Disabled in 4.3.3
DNMONSTERS - All monsters disappear
DNRATE - Show frame rate
DNSCOTTY#$$ - Warp to episode#, and level$$
DNSHOWMAP - Displays the whole map (Tab)
DNSKILL# - Switch skill #
DNSTUFF - all weapons and items
DNUNLOCK - toggles all doors
DNVIEW - 3rd person point of view (same as F7)
DNWEAPONS - Gives all weapons

Additional for Duke3dw

DNBLUKEY - adds or removes the Blue key
DNREDKEY - adds or removes the Red key
DNYELKEY - adds or removes the Yellow key
DNSWIT - The correct button sounds like a bell when pushed
DNGOD - God mode
DNFLY - Adds jetpack with 50% flight
DNMEDIC - Adds healthbox with 50% health
DNSWIM - Adds scuba tanks with 50% air

Where # =
2 - Adds pistol with 20 ammo
3 - Adds shotgun with 10 ammo
4 - Adds chaingun with 20 ammo
5 - Adds rpg with 5 ammo
6 - Adds handbomb with 6 ammo
7 - Adds shrinker with 5 ammo
8 - Adds devistator with 10 ammo
9 - Adds lazermines with 3 ammo
0 - Adds freezer with 10 ammo

New in 4.3.5

DNBOOTS - Adds boots with 50% use
DNBOMB - Adds a single hand bomb
DNOPEN - Allows opening one of some locked doors
DNENDGAME - Will end a game like pressing the nuke button.
DNENDALL - Will end a game like after fighting a Boss.
DNSHOWKEYS - Will color the sector the key color, see it in DNSHOWMAP