NB.. The following settings are Ini file settings only and fall under the heading:
This is for Admin option to change the text on the NewMaps button
The information in the [UT2Vote59.UT2VoteNewMaps] can then be tailored for other purposes.
When the NewMaps button above is clicked, this information will display on the menu heading
This will enable your server to be displayed as a Standard Server
If set to True it will display when a Demo recording starts.
If set to True, this will display the Voted maps in Opinion order rather than Voted order.
If set to True, then when a Map Menu is called, the clients Console will not be cancelled.
If set to True, Players will not receive a warning notice when logging onto UT2Vote the first time and their client settings have not been done.
This will disable muting of players by the VoteAdmin.
The minimum amount of levels players can be kick banned for.
The mmaximum amount of levels players can be kick banned for.
If set to True, then some things will be disabled in UT2Vote.
bMapChecks (used to be bMinMaxMaps)
If this is set to True then the game will check to see if the selected map is suitable for the current number of players as defined.
As from 5.5 the GoalScore and/or the TimeLimit for any given map can also be changed.
Should any of the options =0 it will be ignored and the server default used.
NB. Only maps using the currrent games MapPrefix= will be used and all AltMapPrefix= ignored.
When using the [UT2Vote59.UT2VoteMapCheck] and this is True, Spectators will be added to the MaxPlayer count.
If set to True, then when a vote times out and the vote fails, UT2Vote will choose a Random map from the
Server maps folder or List instead of the Default map.
0 = Alphabetical A - Z listings.
1 = Alphabetical Z - A listings.
2 = As in list - best if UseMapList=True
3 = Random selection on each level.
If set to True, the Games will only be votable every alternate Game voted.
When set to True, Players will not receive UT2Vote message in the center of the screen during a game.
This was added as players complained the message hid the crosshair.