Mutators that are votable or that you have added to various GameTypes can be placed here.
Mutators will now only be pushed to the client when the Mutator is selected or voted for.
This saves each client having to download a multitude of mutators everytime they join your Server.
A Mutator can also have several ServerPackages and they can just be added to the above ServerPackages=
and must be seperated with a comma.
All Mutators that appear in the ServerMuts= MUST be declared in the UT2004.ini ServerPackages=
If bMinMaxMaps=True then only these maps will show in the Map Menu depending on the number of Players currently on the server.
In the above example, if your server has less than 5 players then only maps where MaxPlayers= is less than 5 would display.
On the other hand, you would need more than 9 Players and less than 50 for the second example to show.
NB. It is possible to have no maps showing so be carefull when defining the maps in this section
SwitchToGame=(SwitchHour=15,GameName="Capture the Flag",ClassName="",DoSwitch=True)
At 12:00 if DoSwitch=True then DeathMatch will become your DefaultGame and the server will switch to it 3 minutes later if there are no players on the server.
The same will happen with Capture the Flag at 15:00
You can have up to 16 GameSwitches per day.
Please note that as of UT2Vote 5.5 you now need the GameName and no longer the ClassName.
Admin can add mapnames here which will display in the NewMaps Menu.
Normally only the latest maps on the server should go here.
NB... Make sure the spelling is correct as these maps are voteable by players.
This section is used internally and stores all the information from Players that have been kicked off,
or voted off your server.
The only time you will set anything manually here is if you want to ban someone on a permanent basis by setting Levels=111
This is used internally by UT2Vote
This is used internally by UT2Vote